Mindset Coach & Mentor


Mindset Coach & Mentor

Annotations for 2023

I wanted to share with you some of my quantum notes about this year that is ending and the year to come, hoping that they may prove useful and beneficial to whoever reads me and whoever may be interested in them.

I’m going to comment on general aspects of the frequencies and vibrations of the year itself that relate differently to each person, as everyone has their own movements and personalities.

Take these considerations therefore in reference to the general external flow that will run during the year.

Before speaking of 2023, I would like to dedicate a few words to what this year was and still is. It has been a very shacking last couple of years, with extraordinary local and global events. Events that have surely made us reflect, doubt and change – sometimes in an overtiring or even painful way – regardless of our origins or beliefs. I also believe that there have always been strong or unusual events, and perhaps it’s since the first Pandemic that we all feel a little more alert.

This year 2022 that is ending may have felt like an inward spiral of sorts, like an inward embrace inviting us to seek and cherish our sense of Home, Responsibility and Harmony. Thus, it’s possible that we have had intense experiences with whom we live at home, or with our relatives, or that we have felt a particular nostalgia to be with our loved ones, with those people who make up our personal Home. That group of people that we keep close to our hearts and for whom, sometimes, we feel responsible. It was probably a year where that spiral made us gradually search for an inner corner of calm and warmth after much movement and frenzy. As if, after having run everywhere in the midst of a freezing storm, we wanted to return in serene company to our room, with a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate, a soft blanket and perhaps a fireplace nearby with the sound of crackling wood molded by the fire. Maybe not everyone has achieved that feeling, maybe that feeling has only highlighted the sad absence or distance of certain people, or of harmony itself. Either way, this was and is the air that you can breathe.

These last days of the year we can reflect a little on this: slow down a little if possible, use this time to finish looking for or building that little warm corner before the beginning of 2023. Allow your sense of Harmony and Home to guide you, allow yourself to resolve unnecessary conflicts if this helps you to feel more peace in that corner. Allow yourself to seek the company of the people you care about, this time in a different way. Allow yourself to assume your own Responsibility, your ability to respond, and to let go of responsibilities that do not belong to you. Take care of yourself and the space you inhabit. Enjoy the last days of that Maternal Embrace that can be 2022, an embrace where our spirit can feel protection and our heart or tears seek comfort.

The upcoming year will guide us towards reflection and evolution at a metaphysical level: personal growth, psychic, spiritual, intellectual and even magical development. Each one of us will naturally give more importance to different aspects. Whatever the path and its landscape, the destination is greater self-knowledge and self-awareness.

It will be a year where everything that has to do with information management will be favored, that is, everything related to learning or teaching, for example, or to reevaluate and reconsider the knowledge we already possess through introspection, analysis or meditation.

After a soft, curved spiral that welcomed us into a homey corner, now comes a time of greater individual introspection. All our mental aspects will be amplified, this may increase tendencies to overthink things if we are rigid or still too attached to concepts that we built over time and that, perhaps, is time to modify or update. It’s important to allow ourselves greater mental versatility and flexibility, to go beyond our old beliefs, to allow ourselves to completely deconstruct old mental structures, to soften our logic to accept what may have seemed irrational before. The meaning of all this is personal, obviously, but we can consider inner evolution as a common goal. Each at his or her own pace, each in his or her own way. This process may feel lonely from time to time or even lead us to wish to be alone every now and then. Having a space that we feel ours, where we can maintain our individual rhythm, will be important. A space where we can perhaps isolate ourselves a little bit, that helps us be with ourselves, to digest all the information and stimuli that we are going to be receiving throughout the year.

It’s normal, for example, that we will sometimes want to sleep without our partner or spouse, or that we look for less numerous situations, surrounded by less people, compared to our usual habits. This does not mean that we are becoming cold or that we are moving away from our loved ones, it is just a search for that personal space. Naturally some people will already be used to this, and it’s important both to allow ourselves to seek that space and to help others find it without pressuring them.

Activities that favor this type of process: studying, reading, meditating, taking notes and observing our dreams, listening attentively and without obsession to our thoughts, learning something new, teaching (e.g. giving courses, explaining new concepts to someone, doing tutorials), in general any activity that allows us to get in greater contact with our own spirituality (which does not necessarily have to coincide with our religion) or that helps us to observe and re-evaluate that inner image we have of ourselves.

It’s also a good time to nurture our connection with our God or with the Universe or Mother Earth or The Hierarchy (or with whatever Great Consciousness you feel connected to).

If there is any practice that we consider holistic or esoteric that has caught our attention in the past, we could try to approach and learn more about it by seeking out an expert or even try to apply it ourselves (e.g. cartomancy, astrology, reiki, numerology, quantum therapies, energy management, use of natural essences and scents etc.).

Hoping that the information that comes with these quantum notes may be beneficial to you, I send you a big hug and wish you a beautiful end of 2022 and beginning of 2023.

With much affection,

Originally written in: Spanish

Daniel Vincenzo Papa De Dios